Admission Hotline: +91 9686868712 / 9606092606

Education is movement from darkness to light

Terms and Conditions

Students must strictly adhere to the school rules
Uniform Guidelines

Monday, Thursday and Friday: Regular Blue uniform

Tuesday and Wednesday: Track Suit

Saturday: White Uniform

Wearing Watches, Bangles and Gold Ornaments is not allowed.

Boys must have decent haircut and must not wear ear rings and bangles

  • Girls: Must wear two plaits with black ribbon (and white ribbon for track suits and white uniform.
  • Boys: Regular short haircut (Indecent & Fashionable, Fancy haircut is not permitted)
  • Earrings for boys are prohibited.
  • Nails must be cut regularly.
  • School diary duly signed by the parents must be regularly brought to school.
  • Students are requested to handle the school property, such as sports material and lab equipments with care. In case of damage the same must be replaced by the students.
  • Cleanliness should be maintained in the class room as well in the campus.
  • Wearing expensive jewels watch and costumes if not entertained in the school.
  • Carrying mobile is strictly prohibited.
  • Riding motor vehicles by school students is an offense.
  • Students who have contagious diseases like measles etc... Must not attend the class.
  • Permission for late coming or early going will not be granted for any reason.
  • In case of any emergency during the working hours’ parents only must come to collect their wards.
  • Money must not be paid to anybody in the school for any reason without information from the school either through diary or circular.

Note: Students in Activities, NCC, Scouts and Guide must wear the respective uniforms only on Tuesdays.